On, September 21, 2007, a miracle child was born, Caleb B Zehm in Ocala, Florida. From the time he was born he was active, ever achieving young person. He loved discovering the world around him. He received his education exclusively online and learned how to excel from a very young age.

He played “America” at only 4-5 years of age on an organ, which was only beginning of this young man’s life. He truly loved learning and would often point his index finger to his head as he stated, “Think, think think”, when lessons often challenged him. He discovered while growing up that life presented many lessons that you had to master in some way or the other. He did a pretty good job in accomplishing what he set out to do, but always kept the humorous side of life and never let it get best of him.

Caleb gave his life to the Lord at tender age of 12. He learned the importance from his “Papa” that keeping God number 1 in your life, just makes life so much sweeter. Watching Caleb grow up, it was discovered that he carried many traits and dedication that shined through his “Papa” and much of it shaped in who he would eventually become. His “Papa” took the time to teach and encourage Caleb during his younger years and it was that influence that Caleb has the love and respect for others and desires to do something with his life to “help others”.

He’s 16 years of age now and has learned alot about life. He is very focused and driven young man and if he can’t figure out something, he’ll find a way to get answers. He is currently laying out his “plan” and the beginning of how he will continue “The Legacy” laid before him. He will carve out his own path and enhance what was started by his “Papa” and continue to build upon that same legacy of his dad.

We all need to seek acceptance and respect of others. It’s not always good for just a pat on the back. We need to tell each other sometimes that it matters where you are heading and help teach them how to get there. Life is so much better when you do.

Caleb graduated from high school at 16, which is an accomplishment in itself. He is the youngest grandchild to finish high school at such a young age. Caleb has already developed a talent for animation, computer languages and definitly knows how to manipulate online content. However his main focus as he continues his journey is to do something impactful with his life to help others…. A Legacy his Papa spent some much of his life doing just that.